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Duxin Group

Research Area

The Duxin team studies the essential processes of genome maintenance and duplication. Specifically, the team is interested in understanding how cytotoxic DNA lesions known as DNA-protein crosslinks (DPCs) are tolerated by cells and cleared from the genome. These lesions are generated by mainstream chemotherapeutics (e.g. topoisomerase poisons) but are also the common byproduct of cellular metabolism (e.g. formaldehyde).

Current Members

Duxin, Julien (Principal Investigator/Director) Contact

Additional Information

The primary goal of the Duxin Group is to describe fundamental processes of genome maintenance, essential for life and healthy development. From 1 June 2024, the Duxin group fully relocated to the Biotech Research & Innovation Center (BRIC).


Institution: Biotech Research & Innovation Center (BRIC)

Biotech Research & Innovation Centre

Web Page: