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British Xenopus Group

Research Interests

The major aim of the BXG is to co-ordinate genomic research and genetics in UK Xenopus labs.

Research Area

The British Xenopus group was inaugurated at a meeting in KCL in March 1999 to foster collaboration between British Xenopus labs. A major aim was to co-ordinate genomic research and genetics. The organisation is anarchistic (an oxymoron!), with no officers, committees etc. Currently the main activity of the Group is to organise meetings to present results and act as a forum for Xenopus business, particularly sharing technical advances and, the coordination of Xenopus genomic/genetic enterprises. The meetings are currently scheduled to be once a a year.

Current Members

Amaya, Enrique (Principal Investigator/Director)
Dale, Leslie (Other)
Green, Jeremy B.A. (Other)
Guille, Matt J (Other)
Gurdon, John B. (Other)
Hill, Caroline S (Other)
Hoppler, Stefan P. (Other)
Isaacs, Harv V (Other)
Jones, Elizabeth A (Other)
Latinkic, Branko (Other)
Liu, Karen J (Other)
Meehan, Richard R (Other)
Mohun, Tim J (Other)
Old, Robert W (Other)
Papalopulu, Nancy (Other)
Patient, Roger (Other)
Philpott, Anna (Other)
Pownall, Mary E (Betsy) (Other)
Sharpe, Colin R (Other)
Standart, Nancy (Other)
Stemple, Derek L. (Other)
Wheeler, Grant N (Other)
Zimmerman, Lyle (Other)
de Moor, Cornelia (Other)


Smith, James C (Other)
Woodland (retired), Hugh (Other)


Institution: University of Manchester

Department of Biological Sciences
University of Warwick
CV4 7AL, United Kingdom

Personal Phone: +44 (0)1224 437383

Personal Fax: +44 (0)1224 437384

General/Lab Phone: +44 (0)1224 437519