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Profile Publications (130)
Name: Jacques Robert
Position: Professor, Director XLIRR
Research Description:
Jacques Robert, PhD, is Professor of Microbiology and Immunology affiliated with the departments of Environmental Medicine and Biomedical genetics, and the Wilmot Cancer Center at the University of Rochester Medical Center, New York. He is also the Director of the Xenopus research resource for Immunobiology, which is the world's most comprehensive facility specializing in the use of this species for immunological research. Dr. Robert and his team are interested in developmental and evolutionary aspects of immune surveillance, tumor and viral immunity using the amphibian Xenopus as animal model. In addition to comparative studies on T cell and macrophage development, immunomodulation and anti-tumor immunity elicited by heat shock proteins, molecular evolution of immunologically relevant genes, and immunity to ranaviruses, Dr. Robert’s team has recently unveiled the importance of nonclassical MHC-restricted innate-like T cells outside mammals, particularly during early development and in antiviral immunity.

Lab Memberships

Robert Lab (Principal Investigator/Director)
Xenopus laevis Research Resource for Immunobiology (Principal Investigator/Director)

Contact Information

Department of Microbiology and Immunology
University of Rochester Medical Center
Rochester, NY

Web Page:
Phone:  585 275-1722
Fax:  585 473-9573
General/Lab Phone:  585 275-5359