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Profile Publications (14)
Name: Lennart Olsson
Position: Professor
Research Description:
The Phyletisches Museum was dedicated explicitly to the study of evolution and phylogeny of animals by its founder Ernst Haeckel. The Structural Unit, within the Institute of Systematic Zoology and Evolutionary Biology, creates ideal conditions for active and modern research on these fields. The Entomology Group of Prof. Dr. R. G. Beutel, which is directly located at the museum, utilizes innovative morphological techniques to study the phylogeny and evolution of insects, with the focus on high level systematics of Holometabola and Polyneoptera. The research team of Prof. Dr. M. S. Fischer studies evolutionary processes in the context of the locomotory system of tetrapod vertebrates. The research focus of PD Dr. M. Nickel is the functional morphology and evolution of sponges.

Lab Memberships

Olsson Lab (Principal Investigator/Director)

Contact Information

Institut für Spezielle Zoologie und Evolutionsbiologie mit Phyletischem Museum

Web Page: