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Profile Publications (27)
Name: Dr. Colin R Sharpe
Position: Senior lecturer
Research Description:
Research interests

Early Xenopus development, specifically the role of retinoid signalling in the development of the nervous system. Current research projects include the non-transcriptional regulation of retinoid signalling in the gastrula embryo and the evoution and function of the NCoR and SMRT co-repressors that regulate retinoid signalling. In collaboration, examining the co-development of neural and vascular systems in the Xenopus embryo.

Lab Memberships

British Xenopus Group (Other)
Gurdon Lab (Post-doc, Alumni)
Sharpe Lab (Principal Investigator/Director)
Wylie Heasman Lab (Retired) (Post-doc, Alumni)

Organization Memberships

European Xenopus Resource Centre (EXRC) (Faculty)

Contact Information

School of Biology
Institute of Biomedical and Biomolecular Science
University of Portsmouth
P01 2DY, United Kingdom

Phone:  023 92 84 2062