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Profile Publications (42)
Name: Pierre D McCrea
Position: Professor (retired)
Research Description:
The McCrea Lab's work focussed on understanding  the cellular and developmental functions of catenins.
Specifically they worked to  reveal the roles of catenins in the canonical-Wnt pathway, as well as non-canonical Wnt pathways in animal development. They studied the developmental functions of lesser understood catenins such as p120-catenin, ARVCF-catenin and delta-catenin.  For example, they looked at the roles of delta-catenin in the context of shaping neurons/ dendrites, which has implications for both normal development (e.g. brain function) and disease processes. Pierre authored over 40 papers using Xenopus, as listed here on the publications tab.

Lab Memberships

McCrea Lab (Principal Investigator/Director)

Contact Information

Department of Genetics
Room: S9.8136A
U.T. M .D. Anderson Cancer Center
1515 Holcombe Boulevard
Houston, TX
77030, USA

Web Page:
General/Lab Fax:  713-834-6273
Phone:  713-834-6277