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Profile Publications (61)
Name: Marko E Horb
Position: Senior Scientist/Director NXR
Research Description:
The Horb lab studies endoderm and pancreas development. Work in the lab is focused on elucidating the transcriptional hierarchy that operates during pancreatic cell fate specification. Current projects are focused on identifying the transcriptional targets of Ngn3, Rfx6, dorsal-ventral pancreas development and the transdifferentiation of liver to pancreas

Lab Memberships

Horb Lab (Principal Investigator/Director)
NXR: National Xenopus Resource (Principal Investigator/Director)

Organization Memberships

National Xenopus Resource (NXR) (Faculty)

Contact Information

7 MBL Street
Woods Hole, MA
02543, USA

Web Page:
Phone:  508-289-7233