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Profile Publications (47)
Name: Elizabeth A Jones
Position: Professor Emeritus (retired)
Research Description:
My research interests at Warwick focus around the study of early cell interactions in amphibians, relatively little is known about the molecular mechanisms by which vertebrate embryos achieve the myriad of complex patterns and cell types found in the adult animal. I set out to generate a panel of monoclonial antibody markers which could be used to study molecular events that take place during differentiation of the early amphibian embryo. These antibodies now form the basis of a panel of antibodies which are used in developmental biology laboratories world-wide.

Lab Memberships

British Xenopus Group (Other)
Jones Lab (retired) (Principal Investigator/Director)

Contact Information

Department of Biological Sciences
Warwick University
CV4 7AL, United Kingdom

General/Lab Fax:  44-2476-523701
Phone:  44-2476-523061