Name: Dr. Salimata Diarra
Position: Postdoc_Neuroscience
Research Description:
I’m a Neuroscientist (M.D) from Mali (sub-Saharan Africa). Our research area is focus on Neuro-degenerative disorders study in Malian population. Our current work is focus on “Genetic of Epilepsy in MALI” at USTTB in collaboration with Yale University through Khokha lab, using Xenopus model for functional studies of human disease genes. However, from our collaboration with Khokha Lab, we are planning to establish a frog facility into the University of Sciences, Technique and Technology of Bamako (USTTB) in Mali and which will be the first in this part of Africa.
Lab Memberships
Khokha Lab (Research Associate/Assistant)Contact Information
57 Orchad st, #1
New Haven, Connecticut
06519, USA
Web Page: https://medicine.yale.edu/lab/khokha/
ILAR Code: Khok
Personal Phone: (443) 875-6733
Phone: +223 79209727