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Profile Publications (5)
Name: Dr. Hanno Steen
Position: Director of the Proteomics Center, Associate Professor of Pathology
Research Description:
Dr. Hanno Steen, a native of Germany, studied chemistry in Freiburg/Germany, Manchester/UK and Zurich/Switzerland. He received his PhD from the University of Southern Denmark, where he worked with Matthias Mann, PhD, a world leader in mass spectrometry-based proteomics. He did postdoctoral work first with Steven Gygi, Dept. of Cell Biology at Harvard Medical School and then with Marc Kirschner in the then newly founded Department of Systems Biology at Harvard Medical School. In addition to technical expertise in quantitative and modification specific proteomics and mass spectrometry, Dr. Steen has training in cell and molecular biology. 

Dr. Steen's lab is working on novel methods for identifying and quantifying various protein modifications that are involved in pediatric diseases in order to provide new insights into the underlying biological processes, a prerequisite for a rational approach to prevent and/or cure these diseases.

Another goal of the lab's research is the development and applications of screening methods to detect and identify diagnostic and prognostic disease markers in body fluids, which offer an easily accessible mirror of the state of the entire body. These biomarkers can guide treatment decisions, predict patient phenotypes, and allow for early diagnosis.

Lab Memberships

Steen Lab (Principal Investigator/Director)

Contact Information

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