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Profile Publications (35)
Name: Dr. Jeremy B.A. Green
Position: Professor
Research Description:
The Green Laboratory investigates tissue morphogenesis and the action of morphogens. We use Xenopus frog and mouse as model systems with projects on epithelial bending, tooth morphogenesis, palate formation and clefting, Down Syndrome and Turing patterning systems. We specialise in live imaging, image analysis and a variety of computational modelling approaches.
Disease Research Areas/Interest:
Down syndrome, cleft palate

Lab Memberships

British Xenopus Group (Other)
Green Lab (Principal Investigator/Director)

Contact Information

Kings College London
Centre for Craniofacial Regeneration and Biology
Guys Tower
Floor 27
SE1 9RT, United Kingdom

Web Page:
Phone:  44 20 7188 1794