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Profile Publications (10)
Name: Dr. Saurabh Kulkarni
Position: Assistant Professor
Research Description:
The Kulkarni Lab aims to be at the forefront of the cutting-edge field of functional genomics, enabling scientific curiosity, excellence in research, and groundbreaking discoveries to improve the clinical outcomes for babies born with cardiac, pulmonary, or neurological birth defects.

We use in vivo frog and mouse models and stem cell-based 2D and 3D (organoid) models to functionally characterize VUS (variants of unknown significance) in birth defects. We employ an interdisciplinary approach combining CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing, super-resolution microscopy, mechanobiology, single-cell/nuclei transcriptomics, and computational modeling.
Disease Research Areas/Interest:
congenital heart disease, primary ciliary dyskinesia, hydrocephalus, autistic disorder, visceral heterotaxy

Lab Memberships

Khokha Lab (Post-doc, Alumni)
Kulkarni Lab (Principal Investigator/Director)

Contact Information

Department of Cell Biology
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA
22908, USA

Web Page: