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Name: Kris Vleminckx
Position: Professor
Research Description:
Our research focuses on Wnt signalling and cadherin-mediated cell adhesion. We aim at studying different cell types in their natural environment. Hence we are exploiting GFP technology for in vivo labeling and in real time imaging. Several transgenic lines have been generated permitting the in vivo detection of Wnt signalling, cell motility/polarity and cell death. These are used to study the function of cadherins, catenins and Wnt signalling in tissue formation and organogenesis. We have a special emphasis on the role of the canonical Wnt pathway in cellular differentiation and organogenesis. We have developed an experimental platform, incorporating bioinformatics, for the identification of novel organ-specific and primary Wnt target genes that are relevant for stem cell biology and cancer.
Disease Research Areas/Interest:
hereditary desmoid disease, cancer, retinoblastoma, glioblastoma, microphthalmia with limb anomalies, microphthalmia, coloboma, renal coloboma syndromeLab Memberships
Vleminckx Lab of Developmental Biology
Contact Information
Department of Molecular Biomedial Research
Unit of Developmental Biology
VIB - Ghent University
Technologiepark 927
B-9052, Belgium
Web Page: http://www.dmbr.ugent.be/index.php?id=krisvleminckxdescr
Phone: +32-9-3313720
Fax: +32-9-3313609