Name: Ethan Lee
Position: Associate Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology
Research Description:
Mechanism of Wnt signal transduction in development and disease. A major experimental approach in my laboratory involves the use of Xenopus extracts and purified proteins to biochemically reconstitute Wnt signaling in vitro. Genome-scale screens, cultured mammalian cells, Xenopus embryos, Drosophila genetics (in collaboration with Dr. Laura Lee), and mouse studies are employed to compliment and extend our biochemical findings.
Lab Memberships
Lee Labs (Principal Investigator/Director)Contact Information
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Department of Cell & Developmental Biology
465 21st Avenue South
U-4200 Learned Lab/MRBIII
Nashville, TN
37232-8240, USA
Web Page: https://medschool.vanderbilt.edu/cdb/person/ethan-lee-m-d-ph-d/
General/Lab Fax: (615) 936-5673
Phone: 615-322-1307