Name: Olivier Meiniel
Position: postdoc
Research Description:
I am in charge with analytical bioinformatics in a lab which is studying an ECM protein expressed in the brain. I already performed a number of annotations of this gene and other in silico analyses; I predicted mRNAs in the rat, dog, zebrafish and other species. I also registered the name of this gene at HUGO, MGI and ZFIN. Now, I would like to edit the mRNA for the orthologous gene in X. tropicalis and it would be great if the gene nomenclature could also be registered, prior to perform a phylogenetic study which would relate the conservation of the protein in Vertebrates.
Contact Information
Olivier Meiniel
Inserm U384
Faculté de Médecine
28 Place Henri Dunant
63000, France
Web Page: http://www.lyon.inserm.fr/384/index.html
General/Lab Phone: 00 33 4 73 17 81 82