Results 1 - 16 of 16 results
Xenopus pitx3 target genes lhx1 and xnr5 are identified using a novel three-fluor flow cytometry-based analysis of promoter activation and repression. , Hooker LN, Smoczer C, Abbott S, Fakhereddin M, Hudson JW, Crawford MJ ., Dev Dyn. September 1, 2017; 246 (9): 657-669.
Developmental role of plk4 in Xenopus laevis and Danio rerio: implications for Seckel Syndrome. , Rapchak CE, Patel N , Hudson J, Crawford M ., Biochem Cell Biol. August 1, 2015; 93 (4): 396-404.
Microinjection manipulations in the elucidation of Xenopus brain development. , Smoczer C, Hooker L, Sachani SS , Crawford MJ ., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2014; 1082 143-54.
The Xenopus homeobox gene pitx3 impinges upon somitogenesis and laterality. , Smoczer C, Hooker L, Brode S, Wolanski M, KhosrowShahian F, Crawford M ., Biochem Cell Biol. April 1, 2013; 91 (2): 79-87.
Microarray-based identification of Pitx3 targets during Xenopus embryogenesis. , Hooker L, Smoczer C, KhosrowShahian F, Wolanski M, Crawford MJ ., Dev Dyn. September 1, 2012; 241 (9): 1487-505.
xArx2: an aristaless homolog that regulates brain regionalization during development in Xenopus laevis. , Wolanski M, Khosrowshahian F, Kelly LE, El-Hodiri HM , Crawford MJ ., Genesis. January 1, 2009; 47 (1): 19-31.
Expression of CAP2 during early Xenopus embryogenesis. , Wolanski M, Khosrowshahian F, Jerant L, Jap IS, Brockman J, Crawford MJ ., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2009; 53 (7): 1063-7.
Conservation of Pitx1 expression during amphibian limb morphogenesis. , Chang WY, Khosrowshahian F, Wolanski M, Marshall R, McCormick W, Perry S, Crawford MJ ., Biochem Cell Biol. April 1, 2006; 84 (2): 257-62.
Lens and retina formation require expression of Pitx3 in Xenopus pre- lens ectoderm. , Khosrowshahian F, Wolanski M, Chang WY, Fujiki K, Jacobs L, Crawford MJ ., Dev Dyn. November 1, 2005; 234 (3): 577-89.
CAP1 expression is developmentally regulated in Xenopus. , KhosrowShahian F, Hubberstey AV, Crawford MJ ., Mech Dev. May 1, 2002; 113 (2): 211-4.
xPitx1 plays a role in specifying cement gland and head during early Xenopus development. , Chang W, KhosrowShahian F, Chang R, Crawford MJ ., Genesis. February 1, 2001; 29 (2): 78-90.
Xenopus adenine nucleotide translocase mRNA exhibits specific and dynamic patterns of expression during development. , Crawford MJ , KhosrowShahian F, Liversage RA, Varmuza SL., Biochem Cell Biol. January 1, 2001; 79 (2): 113-21.
Two isoforms of Xenopus retinoic acid receptor gamma 2 (B) exhibit differential expression and sensitivity to retinoic acid during embryogenesis. , Crawford MJ , Liversage RA, Varmuza SL., Dev Genet. January 1, 1995; 17 (4): 291-302.
Cardiac troponin I is a heart-specific marker in the Xenopus embryo: expression during abnormal heart morphogenesis. , Drysdale TA , Tonissen KF , Patterson KD , Crawford MJ , Krieg PA ., Dev Biol. October 1, 1994; 165 (2): 432-41.
Effects of localized application of retinoic acid on Xenopus laevis development. , Drysdale TA , Crawford MJ ., Dev Biol. April 1, 1994; 162 (2): 394-401.
Pattern perturbation in Xenopus laevis forelimb regenerates following treatment with retinoic acid and carrier media. , Crawford MJ , Liversage RA., Monogr Dev Biol. January 1, 1992; 23 146-56.