Papers associated with h1-10
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Xenopus Hybrids Provide Insight Into Cell and Organism Size Control., Gibeaux R, Miller K, Acker R, Kwon T, Heald R., Front Physiol. January 1, 2018; 9 1758. |
Characterization of the PL-I-related SP2 protein from Xenopus., Frehlick LJ, Prado A, Calestagne-Morelli A, Ausió J., Biochemistry. November 6, 2007; 46 (44): 12700-8. |
Remodeling of sperm chromatin induced in egg extracts of amphibians., Katagiri C, Ohsumi K., Int J Dev Biol. June 1, 1994; 38 (2): 209-16. |
Occurrence of H1 subtypes specific to pronuclei and cleavage-stage cell nuclei of anuran amphibians., Ohsumi K, Katagiri C., Dev Biol. September 1, 1991; 147 (1): 110-20. |
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