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Summary Expression Phenotypes Gene Literature (154) GO Terms (13) Nucleotides (501) Proteins (113) Interactants (1048) Wiki

Papers associated with tcf3



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Xenopus XsalF: anterior neuroectodermal specification by attenuating cellular responsiveness to Wnt signaling., Onai T, Sasai N, Matsui M, Sasai Y., Dev Cell. July 1, 2004; 7 (1): 95-106.            

Regulation of Otx2 expression and its functions in mouse epiblast and anterior neuroectoderm., Kurokawa D, Takasaki N, Kiyonari H, Nakayama R, Kimura-Yoshida C, Matsuo I, Aizawa S., Development. July 1, 2004; 131 (14): 3307-17.      

Sox17 and beta-catenin cooperate to regulate the transcription of endodermal genes., Sinner D, Rankin S, Rankin S, Lee M, Zorn AM., Development. July 1, 2004; 131 (13): 3069-80.                      

Cloning and functional characterisation of avian transcription factor E2A., Conlon TM, Meyer KB., BMC Immunol. June 14, 2004; 5 11.        

The beta-catenin/VegT-regulated early zygotic gene Xnr5 is a direct target of SOX3 regulation., Zhang C, Basta T, Jensen ED, Klymkowsky MW., Development. December 1, 2003; 130 (23): 5609-24.  

The roles of APC and Axin derived from experimental and theoretical analysis of the Wnt pathway., Lee E, Lee E, Salic A, Krüger R, Heinrich R, Kirschner MW., PLoS Biol. October 1, 2003; 1 (1): E10.                  

Roles of PDGF in animal development., Hoch RV, Soriano P., Development. October 1, 2003; 130 (20): 4769-84.            

Integration of multiple signal transducing pathways on Fgf response elements of the Xenopus caudal homologue Xcad3., Haremaki T, Tanaka Y, Hongo I, Yuge M, Okamoto H., Development. October 1, 2003; 130 (20): 4907-17.                  

The role of maternal CREB in early embryogenesis of Xenopus laevis., Sundaram N, Tao Q, Wylie C, Heasman J., Dev Biol. September 15, 2003; 261 (2): 337-52.

The basic-helix-loop-helix transcription factor HAND2 directly regulates transcription of the atrial naturetic peptide gene., Thattaliyath BD, Firulli BA, Firulli AB., J Mol Cell Cardiol. October 1, 2002; 34 (10): 1335-44.

Repression of organizer genes in dorsal and ventral Xenopus cells mediated by maternal XTcf3., Houston DW, Kofron M, Resnik E, Langland R, Destree O, Wylie C, Heasman J., Development. September 1, 2002; 129 (17): 4015-25.          

Repression through a distal TCF-3 binding site restricts Xenopus myf-5 expression in gastrula mesoderm., Yang J, Mei W, Otto A, Xiao L, Tao Q, Tao Q, Geng X, Rupp RA, Ding X., Mech Dev. July 1, 2002; 115 (1-2): 79-89.              

Non-canonical Wnt signalling and regulation of gastrulation movements., Tada M, Concha ML, Heisenberg CP., Semin Cell Dev Biol. June 1, 2002; 13 (3): 251-60.

Structure of a human Tcf4-beta-catenin complex., Poy F, Lepourcelet M, Shivdasani RA, Eck MJ., Nat Struct Biol. December 1, 2001; 8 (12): 1053-7.

Physiological regulation of [beta]-catenin stability by Tcf3 and CK1epsilon., Lee E, Lee E, Salic A, Kirschner MW., J Cell Biol. September 3, 2001; 154 (5): 983-93.                

Identification of NKL, a novel Gli-Kruppel zinc-finger protein that promotes neuronal differentiation., Lamar E, Kintner C, Goulding M., Development. April 1, 2001; 128 (8): 1335-46.              

Inhibition of Tcf3 binding by I-mfa domain proteins., Snider L, Thirlwell H, Miller JR, Moon RT, Groudine M, Tapscott SJ., Mol Cell Biol. March 1, 2001; 21 (5): 1866-73.

Making mesoderm--upstream and downstream of Xbra., Smith JC., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2001; 45 (1): 219-24.    

Crystal structure of a beta-catenin/Tcf complex., Graham TA, Weaver C, Mao F, Kimelman D, Xu W., Cell. December 8, 2000; 103 (6): 885-96.

Hes6 acts in a positive feedback loop with the neurogenins to promote neuronal differentiation., Koyano-Nakagawa N, Kim J, Anderson D, Kintner C., Development. October 1, 2000; 127 (19): 4203-16.              

Is chordin a long-range- or short-range-acting factor? Roles for BMP1-related metalloproteases in chordin and BMP4 autofeedback loop regulation., Blitz IL, Shimmi O, Wünnenberg-Stapleton K, O'Connor MB, Cho KW., Dev Biol. July 1, 2000; 223 (1): 120-38.                

Expression pattern of Dkk-1 during mouse limb development., Grotewold L, Theil T, Rüther U., Mech Dev. December 1, 1999; 89 (1-2): 151-3.

Membrane-anchored plakoglobins have multiple mechanisms of action in Wnt signaling., Klymkowsky MW, Williams BO, Barish GD, Varmus HE, Vourgourakis YE., Mol Biol Cell. October 1, 1999; 10 (10): 3151-69.

A homeobox gene, vax2, controls the patterning of the eye dorsoventral axis., Barbieri AM, Lupo G, Bulfone A, Andreazzoli M, Mariani M, Fougerousse F, Consalez GG, Borsani G, Beckmann JS, Barsacchi G, Ballabio A, Banfi S., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. September 14, 1999; 96 (19): 10729-34.            

Maternal and embryonic expression of zebrafish lef1., Dorsky RI, Snyder A, Cretekos CJ, Grunwald DJ, Geisler R, Haffter P, Moon RT, Raible DW., Mech Dev. August 1, 1999; 86 (1-2): 147-50.

Differential expression of the HMG box transcription factors XTcf-3 and XLef-1 during early xenopus development., Molenaar M, Roose J, Peterson J, Venanzi S, Clevers H, Destrée O., Mech Dev. July 1, 1998; 75 (1-2): 151-4.          

Relax promotes ectopic neuronal differentiation in Xenopus embryos., Ravassard P, Vallin J, Mallet J, Icard-Liepkalns C., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. August 5, 1997; 94 (16): 8602-5.      

Functional characterization of the transactivation properties of the PDX-1 homeodomain protein., Peshavaria M, Henderson E, Sharma A, Wright CV, Stein R., Mol Cell Biol. July 1, 1997; 17 (7): 3987-96.

Embryonic expression and evolution of duplicated E-protein genes in Xenopus laevis: parallels with ancestral E-protein genes., Shain DH, Neuman T, Zuber MX., Genetics. May 1, 1997; 146 (1): 345-53.

XTcf-3 transcription factor mediates beta-catenin-induced axis formation in Xenopus embryos., Molenaar M, van de Wetering M, Oosterwegel M, Peterson-Maduro J, Godsave S, Korinek V, Roose J, Destrée O, Clevers H., Cell. August 9, 1996; 86 (3): 391-9.            

Structural determinants of channel conductance in fetal and adult rat muscle acetylcholine receptors., Herlitze S, Villarroel A, Witzemann V, Koenen M, Sakmann B., J Physiol. May 1, 1996; 492 ( Pt 3) 775-87.

The AD1 transactivation domain of E2A contains a highly conserved helix which is required for its activity in both Saccharomyces cerevisiae and mammalian cells., Massari ME, Jennings PA, Murre C., Mol Cell Biol. January 1, 1996; 16 (1): 121-9.

Identification of non-tissue-specific helix-loop-helix genes in Xenopus laevis., Shain DH, Zuber MX., Gene. November 20, 1995; 165 (2): 319-20.

Modulation of cell migration and vessel formation by vascular endothelial growth factor and basic fibroblast growth factor in cultured embryonic heart., Ratajska A, Torry RJ, Kitten GT, Kolker SJ, Tomanek RJ., Dev Dyn. August 1, 1995; 203 (4): 399-407.

XIdx, a dominant negative regulator of bHLH function in early Xenopus embryos., Wilson R, Mohun T., Mech Dev. February 1, 1995; 49 (3): 211-22.          

XASH genes promote neurogenesis in Xenopus embryos., Ferreiro B, Kintner C, Zimmerman K, Anderson D, Harris WA., Development. December 1, 1994; 120 (12): 3649-55.          

The mouse homeoprotein mLIM-3 is expressed early in cells derived from the neuroepithelium and persists in adult pituitary., Seidah NG, Barale JC, Marcinkiewicz M, Mattei MG, Day R, Chrétien M., DNA Cell Biol. December 1, 1994; 13 (12): 1163-80.

Molecular characterization of Xenopus laevis DP proteins., Girling R, Bandara LR, Ormondroyd E, Lam EW, Kotecha S, Mohun T, La Thangue NB., Mol Biol Cell. October 1, 1994; 5 (10): 1081-92.              

XASH-3, a novel Xenopus achaete-scute homolog, provides an early marker of planar neural induction and position along the mediolateral axis of the neural plate., Zimmerman K, Shih J, Bars J, Collazo A, Anderson DJ., Development. September 1, 1993; 119 (1): 221-32.                

Embryonic expression of Fgf-6 is restricted to the skeletal muscle lineage., Han JK, Martin GR., Dev Biol. August 1, 1993; 158 (2): 549-54.

XASH1, a Xenopus homolog of achaete-scute: a proneural gene in anterior regions of the vertebrate CNS., Ferreiro B, Skoglund P, Bailey A, Dorsky R, Harris WA., Mech Dev. January 1, 1993; 40 (1-2): 25-36.

The DNA-binding protein E12 co-operates with XMyoD in the activation of muscle-specific gene expression in Xenopus embryos., Rashbass J, Taylor MV, Gurdon JB., EMBO J. August 1, 1992; 11 (8): 2981-90.

A neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunit (alpha 7) is developmentally regulated and forms a homo-oligomeric channel blocked by alpha-BTX., Couturier S, Bertrand D, Matter JM, Hernandez MC, Bertrand S, Millar N, Valera S, Barkas T, Ballivet M., Neuron. December 1, 1990; 5 (6): 847-56.

Sequence-specific methylation in a downstream region of the late E2A promoter of adenovirus type 2 DNA prevents protein binding., Hermann R, Hoeveler A, Doerfler W., J Mol Biol. November 20, 1989; 210 (2): 411-5.

Reactivation of the methylation-inactivated late E2A promoter of adenovirus type 2 by E1A (13 S) functions., Weisshaar B, Langner KD, Jüttermann R, Müller U, Zock C, Klimkait T, Doerfler W., J Mol Biol. July 20, 1988; 202 (2): 255-70.

Fixation of the unmethylated or the 5'-CCGG-3' methylated adenovirus late E2A promoter-cat gene construct in the genome of hamster cells: gene expression and stability of methylation patterns., Müller U, Doerfler W., J Virol. December 1, 1987; 61 (12): 3710-20.

Trans effect of the E1 region of adenoviruses on the expression of a prokaryotic gene in mammalian cells: resistance to 5' -CCGG- 3' methylation., Langner KD, Weyer U, Doerfler W., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. March 1, 1986; 83 (6): 1598-1602.

DNA methylation of three 5' C-C-G-G 3' sites in the promoter and 5' region inactivate the E2a gene of adenovirus type 2., Langner KD, Vardimon L, Renz D, Doerfler W., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. May 1, 1984; 81 (10): 2950-4.

Analysis of expression of adenovirus DNA (fragments) by microinjection in Xenopus oocytes. Independent synthesis of minor early region 2 proteins., Asselbergs FA, Smart JE, Mathews MB., J Mol Biol. January 15, 1983; 163 (2): 209-38.

Structural characterization of the proteins encoded by adenovirus early region 2A., Asselbergs FA, Mathews MB, Smart JE., J Mol Biol. January 15, 1983; 163 (2): 177-207.

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