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Summary Expression Phenotypes Gene Literature (12) GO Terms (9) Nucleotides (107) Proteins (53) Interactants (27) Wiki

Gene: pgr

Human interaction Co-citation

IntAct human interaction data

This is an interactive graph. Drag the nodes to move them, double click on the gene symbols to go to the corresponding gene pages.

Number of genes by level:
2nd level Occurrence >=

Results 1 - 9 of 9 results

Page(s): 1

ESR1 28 interactions
C4A 2 interactions
ERBB2 2 interactions
NCOA1 2 interactions
SP1 2 interactions
TDG 2 interactions
PRMT2 1 interaction
SMARCD1 1 interaction
SRC 1 interaction

Page(s): 1