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X.laevis Embryonic Protein Expression

This graph shows protein expression in Xenopus laevis. Optionally the mRNA expression is also charted for comparison. The number in brackets after the gene symbol indicates the number of peptides.

This graphic is an open access [CC BY-NC 4.0] resource and can be reused, shared and adapted without written permission. You must give appropriate credit to Xenbase and the original data sources, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made .

Use this citation: Graph [CC BY-NC 4.0] generated by Xenbase (, RRID:SCR_003280) using protein data from Peshkin et al 2019 ( and mRNA data from Session et al 2016 (PMID: 27762356).


Protein source: Peshkin et al. 2019
mRNA source: Session et al. 2016