ccn1 cellular communication network factor 1
Expression Phenotypes
Gene expression phenotype annotations where the gene of interest has been
disrupted (manipulated) or is the gene assayed (assayed). Computed annotations are derived from
differential expression analysis from Xenbase processed GEO data with the criteria of a TPM >= 1,
FDR <= 0.05 and an absolute LogFC >= 2.
Computed annotations: ccn1 assayed (7 sources) |
Monarch Ortholog Phenotypes
These phenotypes are associated with this gene with a has phenotype relation via Monarch.
Mouse (20 sources): abnormal apoptosis, abnormal artery morphology, abnormal cellular replicative senescence, abnormal chorionic plate morphology, abnormal dorsal aorta morphology, abnormal heart development, abnormal mitral valve morphology, abnormal placenta morphology, abnormal placental labyrinth vasculature morphology, common atrioventricular valve, [+] |