phb1 prohibitin 1
Expression Phenotypes
Gene expression phenotype annotations where the gene of interest has been
disrupted (manipulated) or is the gene assayed (assayed). Computed annotations are derived from
differential expression analysis from Xenbase processed GEO data with the criteria of a TPM >= 1,
FDR <= 0.05 and an absolute LogFC >= 2.
Computed annotations: phb1 assayed (2 sources) |
Monarch Ortholog Phenotypes
These phenotypes are associated with this gene with a has phenotype relation via Monarch.
Mouse (14 sources): abnormal branching of the mammary ductal tree, abnormal endometrium morphology, abnormal uterus morphology, abnormal uterus size, decreased body size, decreased uterus weight, embryonic lethality between implantation and somite formation, complete penetrance, embryonic lethality, complete penetrance, endocrine/exocrine gland phenotype, endometrium hypoplasia, [+] |