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Summary Expression Phenotypes Gene Literature (4) GO Terms (10) Nucleotides (150) Proteins (49) Interactants (125) Wiki

Show:     All X. tropicalis X. laevis.L

Nucleotide sequences for fcn1 - All

RefSeq mRNAs(5)
Models - Gene (21)
Models - mRNA (32)
mRNAs (11)
ESTs (60)

RefSeq mRNAs (5)

Accession Version Protein Name Length Protein Species
NM_001004935 NM_001004935.1 ficolin 1 precursor 1258 bp NP_001004935 X. tropicalis
XM_041571941 XM_041571941.1 XP_041427875.1 ficolin-1-A isoform X1 1199 bp XP_041427875 X. laevis.L
XM_018231823 XM_018231823.2 ficolin-1-B isoform X1 2614 bp XP_018087312 X. laevis.S
NM_001089135 NM_001089135.1 ficolin-1-A precursor 1195 bp NP_001082604 X. laevis.L
NM_001085670 NM_001085670.1 ficolin-1-B precursor 1404 bp NP_001079139 X. laevis.S

Models - Gene (21)

Source Version Model Species
NCBI 10.0 XBXT10g015343 X. tropicalis
NCBI 10.1 XBXL10_1g37510 X. laevis.S
NCBI 10.1 XBXL10_1g34242 X. laevis.L
Xenbase 9.1 gene514 X. tropicalis
Xenbase 9.2 gene37230 X. laevis.S
Xenbase 9.2 gene36496 X. laevis.L
ENSEMBL 9.1 septin11 X. tropicalis
JGI 7.1 Xetro.K04839 X. tropicalis
JGI 7.2 Xelaev16055849m.g X. laevis.S
JGI 7.2 Xelaev16048810m.g X. laevis.L
JGI 6.0 XeXenL6RMv10018752m.g X. laevis.S
JGI 6.0 XeXenL6RMv10031370m.g X. laevis.S
JGI 6.0 XeXenL6RMv10018759m.g X. laevis.L
ENSEMBL 4.1 ENSXETG00000000391 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 gw1.129.62.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 gw1.129.196.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 gw1.129.221.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 e_gw1.129.196.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 e_gw1.129.221.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 e_gw1.129.62.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 fgenesh1_pg.C_scaffold_129000057 X. tropicalis

mRNAs based on gene models(32)

Source Version Model Species
NCBI 10.0 mRNA075892 X. tropicalis
NCBI 10.1 XBmRNA64583 X. laevis.L
NCBI 10.1 XBmRNA70807 X. laevis.S
Xenbase 9.1 rna1592 X. tropicalis
Xenbase 9.2 rna76858 X. laevis.L
Xenbase 9.2 rna77895 X. laevis.S
ENSEMBL 9.1 ENSXETT00000066569 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 9.1 ENSXETT00000065123 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 9.1 ENSXETT00000083356 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 9.1 ENSXETT00000014014 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 9.1 ENSXETT00000068862 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 9.1 ENSXETT00000103920 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 9.1 ENSXETT00000072958 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 9.1 ENSXETT00000078859 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 9.1 ENSXETT00000075705 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 9.1 ENSXETT00000067035 X. tropicalis
JGI 7.1 Xetro.K04839.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 7.2 Xelaev16048810m X. laevis.L
JGI 7.2 Xelaev16055849m X. laevis.S
JGI 6.0 XeXenL6RMv10018752m X. laevis.S
JGI 6.0 XeXenL6RMv10018759m X. laevis.L
JGI 6.0 XeXenL6RMv10031370m X. laevis.S
JGI 4.1 gw1.129.62.1 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 4.1 ENSXETT00000000833 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 4.1 ENSXETT00000000838 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 4.1 ENSXETT00000000832 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 e_gw1.129.196.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 e_gw1.129.221.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 e_gw1.129.62.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 gw1.129.196.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 gw1.129.221.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 fgenesh1_pg.C_scaffold_129000057 X. tropicalis

mRNAs from cDNA libraries (11)

Clone Accession Species Library Anatomy Stage
NM_001004935 X. tropicalis
IMAGE:7016156 BC075410 X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_Swb1 whole organism frog
IMAGE:7020827 BC091006 X. tropicalis
IMAGE:3396391 BC106666 X. laevis.L
IMAGE:5511741 BC084648 X. laevis.L
AB091342 X. laevis.S
AB091339 X. laevis.L
NM_001085670 X. laevis.S
NM_001089135 X. laevis.L
XM_018231823 X. laevis.S
XM_041571941 X. laevis.L

ESTs (60)

Clone Accession 5'/3' Species Library Anatomy Stage
TTpA023e07 BX713693 5' X. tropicalis XGC-tadpole whole organism NF stage 35 and 36 to NF stage 40
st40j23 DC176871 5' X. tropicalis Xenopus tropicalis embryo gastrula whole organism NF stage 10 to NF stage 12.5
IMAGE:8903180 EL794069 5' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_tropTail_m tail NF stage 55 to NF stage 66
IMAGE:8891173 EL850937 5' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_trop_25 whole organism NF stage 25
IMAGE:9009938 EL854346 5' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_trop_25 whole organism NF stage 25
IMAGE:9011764 EL856740 5' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_trop_25 whole organism NF stage 25
IMAGE:9019003 EL867479 5' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_trop_25 whole organism NF stage 25
IMAGE:7596746 DR891542 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTad5 whole organism NF stage 35 and 36 to NF stage 41
IMAGE:7622686 CX372044 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTad5 whole organism NF stage 35 and 36 to NF stage 41
XZT13115 CX321265 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTad5 whole organism NF stage 35 and 36 to NF stage 41
XZT14005 CX325146 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTad5 whole organism NF stage 35 and 36 to NF stage 41
XZT4407 CX400377 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTad5 whole organism NF stage 35 and 36 to NF stage 41
st100j09 DC190738 5' X. tropicalis Xenopus tropicalis embryo gastrula whole organism NF stage 10 to NF stage 12.5
THdA043k04 CR578242 5' X. tropicalis XGC-tailbud-head head NF stage 28 to NF stage 29 and 30
THdA042j21 CR579321 5' X. tropicalis XGC-tailbud-head head NF stage 28 to NF stage 29 and 30
IMAGE:7588338 CX309972 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTad5 whole organism NF stage 35 and 36 to NF stage 41
IMAGE:7587052 CX313170 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTad5 whole organism NF stage 35 and 36 to NF stage 41
IMAGE:7585438 CX318632 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTad5 whole organism NF stage 35 and 36 to NF stage 41
IMAGE:7709577 CX964713 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropInt1 intestine frog
TTbA025o17 CR418337 5' X. tropicalis XGC-tailbud whole organism NF stage 28 to NF stage 29 and 30
TTbA019n08 CR430634 5' X. tropicalis XGC-tailbud whole organism NF stage 28 to NF stage 29 and 30
TTbA035p01 CR431610 5' X. tropicalis XGC-tailbud whole organism NF stage 28 to NF stage 29 and 30
TTbA032e14 CR438675 5' X. tropicalis XGC-tailbud whole organism NF stage 28 to NF stage 29 and 30
TTbA032k21 CR444520 5' X. tropicalis XGC-tailbud whole organism NF stage 28 to NF stage 29 and 30
THdA011n24 CR564124 5' X. tropicalis XGC-tailbud-head head NF stage 28 to NF stage 29 and 30
THdA043k07 CR575610 5' X. tropicalis XGC-tailbud-head head NF stage 28 to NF stage 29 and 30
TTpA052e17 BX725783 5' X. tropicalis XGC-tadpole whole organism NF stage 35 and 36 to NF stage 40
TTpA048m15 BX727079 5' X. tropicalis XGC-tadpole whole organism NF stage 35 and 36 to NF stage 40
TTpA043a14 BX742541 5' X. tropicalis XGC-tadpole whole organism NF stage 35 and 36 to NF stage 40
TTbA015g11 CR413973 5' X. tropicalis XGC-tailbud whole organism NF stage 28 to NF stage 29 and 30
TTbA006p18 CR414481 5' X. tropicalis XGC-tailbud whole organism NF stage 28 to NF stage 29 and 30
IMAGE:5383390 BQ395188 5' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_Emb6 whole organism NF stage 14 to NF stage 19
IMAGE:7016156 CF523022 5' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_Swb1 whole organism frog
TNeu046h19 AL658881 5' X. tropicalis XGC-neurula whole organism NF stage 13 to NF stage 21
TNeu117f03 AL792707 5' X. tropicalis XGC-neurula whole organism NF stage 13 to NF stage 21
TTpA014n21 BX713479 5' X. tropicalis XGC-tadpole whole organism NF stage 35 and 36 to NF stage 40
IMAGE:8903180 EL794070 3' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_tropTail_m tail NF stage 55 to NF stage 66
IMAGE:8891173 EL850938 3' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_trop_25 whole organism NF stage 25
IMAGE:9009938 EL854347 3' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_trop_25 whole organism NF stage 25
IMAGE:9019003 EL867480 3' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_trop_25 whole organism NF stage 25
XZT4407 CX400376 3' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTad5 whole organism NF stage 35 and 36 to NF stage 41
XZT13115 CX321264 3' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTad5 whole organism NF stage 35 and 36 to NF stage 41
XZT14005 CX325145 3' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTad5 whole organism NF stage 35 and 36 to NF stage 41
rst100j09 DC160740 3' X. tropicalis Xenopus tropicalis embryo gastrula whole organism NF stage 10 to NF stage 12.5
THdA043k07 CR575611 3' X. tropicalis XGC-tailbud-head head NF stage 28 to NF stage 29 and 30
THdA042j21 CR579322 3' X. tropicalis XGC-tailbud-head head NF stage 28 to NF stage 29 and 30
IMAGE:7622686 CX372043 3' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTad5 whole organism NF stage 35 and 36 to NF stage 41
IMAGE:7709577 CX964712 3' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropInt1 intestine frog
TTbA025o17 CR418338 3' X. tropicalis XGC-tailbud whole organism NF stage 28 to NF stage 29 and 30
TTbA019n08 CR430635 3' X. tropicalis XGC-tailbud whole organism NF stage 28 to NF stage 29 and 30
TTbA035p01 CR431611 3' X. tropicalis XGC-tailbud whole organism NF stage 28 to NF stage 29 and 30
TTbA032e14 CR438676 3' X. tropicalis XGC-tailbud whole organism NF stage 28 to NF stage 29 and 30
TTpA023e07 BX713694 3' X. tropicalis XGC-tadpole whole organism NF stage 35 and 36 to NF stage 40
TTpA048m15 BX727080 3' X. tropicalis XGC-tadpole whole organism NF stage 35 and 36 to NF stage 40
TTpA023c20 BX731321 3' X. tropicalis XGC-tadpole whole organism NF stage 35 and 36 to NF stage 40
TTpA043a14 BX742542 3' X. tropicalis XGC-tadpole whole organism NF stage 35 and 36 to NF stage 40
TTbA015g11 CR413974 3' X. tropicalis XGC-tailbud whole organism NF stage 28 to NF stage 29 and 30
TTbA006p18 CR414482 3' X. tropicalis XGC-tailbud whole organism NF stage 28 to NF stage 29 and 30
IMAGE:5383390 BQ395187 3' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_Emb6 whole organism NF stage 14 to NF stage 19
TNeu117f03 BX691370 3' X. tropicalis XGC-neurula whole organism NF stage 13 to NF stage 21