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Summary Expression Phenotypes Gene Literature (1) GO Terms (3) Nucleotides (104) Proteins (22) Interactants (5) Wiki

Show:     All X. tropicalis X. laevis

Nucleotide sequences for ppp1r1b - All

RefSeq mRNAs(2)
Models - Gene (12)
Models - mRNA (13)
mRNAs (5)
ESTs (44)

RefSeq mRNAs (2)

Accession Version Protein Name Length Protein Species
NM_001102872 NM_001102872.1 protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 1B 965 bp NP_001096342 X. tropicalis
XM_018237980 XM_018237980.2 protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 1B 2605 bp XP_018093469 X. laevis.S

Models - Gene (12)

Source Version Model Species
NCBI 10.1 XBXL10_1g42237 X. laevis.S
NCBI 10.0 XBXT10g003336 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 10.0 ppp1r1b X. tropicalis
Xenbase 9.2 gene4334 X. laevis.S
JGI 9.1 Xelaev18045932m.g X. laevis.S
Xenbase 9.1 gene3175 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 9.1 ppp1r1b X. tropicalis
JGI 8.0 Xetrov14041413m.g X. tropicalis
JGI 7.2 Xelaev16009310m.g X. laevis.S
JGI 7.1 Xetro.J00803 X. tropicalis
JGI 6.0 XeXenL6RMv10046466m.g X. laevis.S
JGI 4.1 fgenesh1_pg.C_scaffold_610000021 X. tropicalis

mRNAs based on gene models(13)

Source Version Model Species
NCBI 10.1 XBmRNA79386 X. laevis.S
ENSEMBL 10.0 ENSXETT00000064998 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 10.0 ENSXETT00000120084 X. tropicalis
NCBI 10.0 mRNA016934 X. tropicalis
Xenbase 9.2 rna12636 X. laevis.S
Xenbase 9.1 rna10390 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 9.1 ENSXETT00000064998 X. tropicalis
JGI 9.1 Xelaev18045932m X. laevis.S
JGI 8.0 Xetrov14041413m X. tropicalis
JGI 7.2 Xelaev16009310m X. laevis.S
JGI 7.1 Xetro.J00803.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 6.0 XeXenL6RMv10046466m X. laevis.S
JGI 4.1 fgenesh1_pg.C_scaffold_610000021 X. tropicalis

mRNAs from cDNA libraries (5)

Clone Accession Species Library Anatomy Stage
IMAGE:7636509 BC135788 X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTad5 whole organism NF stage 35 and 36 to NF stage 41
NM_001102872 X. tropicalis
IMAGE:7393525 BC108632 X. laevis.S
XR_005964680 X. laevis.S
XM_018237980 X. laevis.S

ESTs (44)

Clone Accession 5'/3' Species Library Anatomy Stage
CAAO2942 CX933544 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTe5 testis frog
xthr18C08 CN100771 5' X. tropicalis Xenopus tropicalis xthr plasmid library head NF stage 25 to NF stage 35 and 36
IMAGE:7636509 CX406627 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTad5 whole organism NF stage 35 and 36 to NF stage 41
xtbs06B18 CN092502 5' X. tropicalis Xenopus tropicalis xtbs plasmid library central nervous system NF stage 58 to NF stage 64
IMAGE:7642306 CX797074 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropBrn2 brain frog
IMAGE:7699093 CX931771 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTe5 testis frog
CAAO4134 CX935006 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTe5 testis frog
IMAGE:7703575 CX939545 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTe5 testis frog
CAAO7314 CX940778 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTe5 testis frog
IMAGE:7706730 CX958584 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTe5 testis frog
IMAGE:7708928 CX962767 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTe5 testis frog
IMAGE:7708968 CX963064 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTe5 testis frog
CAAO12580 CX963617 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTe5 testis frog
IMAGE:7735185 DN020791 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropLiv1 liver frog
IMAGE:7741694 DN032821 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropLiv1 liver frog
IMAGE:7745160 DN039317 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropLiv1 liver frog
IMAGE:8934239 EL635533 5' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_tropBone1 bone tissue frog
IMAGE:8934326 EL635757 5' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_tropBone1 bone tissue frog
IMAGE:8935434 EL637385 5' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_tropBone1 bone tissue frog
IMAGE:8856662 EL819979 5' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_tropTe1 testis frog
IMAGE:8857822 EL821772 5' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_tropTe1 testis frog
IMAGE:8859219 EL823308 5' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_tropTe1 testis frog
IMAGE:8915583 EL828273 5' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_tropTe1 testis frog
IMAGE:7636509 CX406626 3' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTad5 whole organism NF stage 35 and 36 to NF stage 41
CAAO12580 CX963616 3' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTe5 testis frog
xtbs06B18 CN092501 3' X. tropicalis Xenopus tropicalis xtbs plasmid library central nervous system NF stage 58 to NF stage 64
IMAGE:8859219 EL823309 3' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_tropTe1 testis frog
IMAGE:7642306 CX797073 3' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropBrn2 brain frog
IMAGE:7735185 DN020790 3' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropLiv1 liver frog
IMAGE:7699093 CX931770 3' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTe5 testis frog
IMAGE:8935434 EL637384 3' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_tropBone1 bone tissue frog
xthr18C08 CN100770 3' X. tropicalis Xenopus tropicalis xthr plasmid library head NF stage 25 to NF stage 35 and 36
CAAO4134 CX935005 3' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTe5 testis frog
IMAGE:7741694 DN032820 3' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropLiv1 liver frog
IMAGE:7703575 CX939544 3' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTe5 testis frog
IMAGE:8857822 EL821773 3' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_tropTe1 testis frog
CAAO7314 CX940777 3' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTe5 testis frog
IMAGE:7745160 DN039316 3' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropLiv1 liver frog
IMAGE:7706730 CX958583 3' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTe5 testis frog
IMAGE:8915583 EL828274 3' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_tropTe1 testis frog
IMAGE:7708928 CX962766 3' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTe5 testis frog
IMAGE:8856662 EL819980 3' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_tropTe1 testis frog
IMAGE:7708968 CX963063 3' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTe5 testis frog
IMAGE:8934326 EL635756 3' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_tropBone1 bone tissue frog