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Summary Expression Phenotypes Gene Literature (16) GO Terms (6) Nucleotides (433) Proteins (116) Interactants (226) Wiki

Show:     All X. tropicalis X. laevis.L

Protein sequences for impdh1 - All

Models (48)

Source Version Model Species
NCBI 10.1 XBmRNA29882 X. laevis.S
NCBI 10.1 XBmRNA24424 X. laevis.L
NCBI 10.0 mRNA089425 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 10.0 ENSXETP00000093084 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 10.0 ENSXETP00000049823 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 10.0 ENSXETP00000093016 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 10.0 ENSXETP00000060849 X. tropicalis
Xenbase 9.2 rna3787 X. laevis.L
JGI 9.1 Xelaev18020857m X. laevis.S
JGI 9.1 Xelaev18017930m X. laevis.L
Xenbase 9.1 rna6160 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 9.1 ENSXETP00000075686 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 9.1 ENSXETP00000096910 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 9.1 ENSXETP00000072208 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 9.1 ENSXETP00000093084 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 9.1 ENSXETP00000076010 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 9.1 ENSXETP00000093016 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 9.1 ENSXETP00000099772 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 9.1 ENSXETP00000073290 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 9.1 ENSXETP00000060849 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 9.1 ENSXETP00000049823 X. tropicalis
JGI 8.0 Xetrov14013153m X. tropicalis
JGI 7.2 Xelaev16007193m X. laevis.L
JGI 7.1 Xetro.C02108.4 X. tropicalis
JGI 7.1 Xetro.C02108.2 X. tropicalis
JGI 7.1 Xetro.C02108.3 X. tropicalis
JGI 7.1 Xetro.C02108.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 6.0 XeXenL6RMv10034769m X. laevis.L
JGI 4.1 fgenesh1_pg.C_scaffold_480000007 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 4.1 ENSXETP00000049823 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 e_gw1.480.1.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 e_gw1.480.25.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 e_gw1.480.8.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 gw1.480.1.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 gw1.480.25.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 gw1.480.8.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 estExt_Genewise1.C_4800001 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 estExt_Genewise1.C_4800008 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 estExt_fgenesh1_kg.C_4800002 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 estExt_fgenesh1_pg.C_4800008 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 estExt_fgenesh1_pg.C_4800009 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 estExt_fgenesh1_pm.C_4800002 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 fgenesh1_Sanger_cdna.C_scaffold_480000002 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 fgenesh1_kg.C_scaffold_480000001 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 fgenesh1_kg.C_scaffold_480000002 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 fgenesh1_pg.C_scaffold_480000008 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 fgenesh1_pg.C_scaffold_480000009 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 fgenesh1_pm.C_scaffold_480000002 X. tropicalis

NCBI Proteins (68)

Accession Species Source
NP_001017283 X. tropicalis RefSeq
CAJ83974 X. tropicalis NCBI Protein
AAI67574 X. tropicalis NCBI Protein
XP_017947603 X. tropicalis NCBI Protein
XP_012814555 X. tropicalis NCBI Protein
XP_012814559 X. tropicalis NCBI Protein
XP_012814557 X. tropicalis NCBI Protein
XP_012814560 X. tropicalis NCBI Protein
XP_012814558 X. tropicalis NCBI Protein
XP_012814556 X. tropicalis NCBI Protein
XP_031753823 X. tropicalis NCBI Protein
XP_031753822 X. tropicalis NCBI Protein
XP_031753821 X. tropicalis NCBI Protein
XP_031753820 X. tropicalis NCBI Protein
KAE8616896 X. tropicalis RefSeq
KAE8616895 X. tropicalis RefSeq
KAE8616894 X. tropicalis RefSeq
KAE8616893 X. tropicalis RefSeq
KAE8616892 X. tropicalis RefSeq
KAE8616891 X. tropicalis RefSeq
KAE8616890 X. tropicalis RefSeq
KAE8616889 X. tropicalis RefSeq
KAE8616888 X. tropicalis RefSeq
KAE8616887 X. tropicalis RefSeq
KAE8616886 X. tropicalis RefSeq
KAE8616885 X. tropicalis RefSeq
KAE8616884 X. tropicalis RefSeq
KAE8616883 X. tropicalis RefSeq
AAH46868 X. laevis.L NCBI Protein
NP_001080792 X. laevis.L RefSeq
XP_018106224 X. laevis.L NCBI Protein
OCT89310 X. laevis.L NCBI Protein
XP_041440908 X. laevis.L RefSeq
XP_041440907 X. laevis.L RefSeq
XP_041440906 X. laevis.L RefSeq
XP_041440905 X. laevis.L RefSeq
XP_041440904 X. laevis.L RefSeq
XP_041440903 X. laevis.L RefSeq
XP_041440902 X. laevis.L RefSeq
XP_041440901 X. laevis.L RefSeq
XP_041440900 X. laevis.L RefSeq
A0A8J0UN31 X. laevis.L Uniprot
XP_041444367 X. laevis.S RefSeq
XP_041444366 X. laevis.S RefSeq
XP_041444365 X. laevis.S RefSeq
XP_041444364 X. laevis.S RefSeq
XP_041444363 X. laevis.S RefSeq
XP_041444362 X. laevis.S RefSeq
XP_041444360 X. laevis.S RefSeq
XP_041444359 X. laevis.S RefSeq
XP_041444358 X. laevis.S RefSeq
XP_041444357 X. laevis.S RefSeq
XP_041444356 X. laevis.S RefSeq
XP_041444355 X. laevis.S RefSeq
XP_041444354 X. laevis.S RefSeq
XP_041444353 X. laevis.S RefSeq
XP_041444352 X. laevis.S RefSeq
XP_041444351 X. laevis.S RefSeq
XP_041444350 X. laevis.S RefSeq
XP_041444349 X. laevis.S RefSeq
XP_041444348 X. laevis.S RefSeq
OCT87161 X. laevis.S RefSeq
OCT87160 X. laevis.S RefSeq

UniProt Proteins (6)

Accession Species Source
Q28D47 (InterPro) X. tropicalis TrEMBL
A0A6I8PNY2 (InterPro) X. tropicalis TrEMBL
A0A6I8S4P5 (InterPro) X. tropicalis TrEMBL
A0A8J1JAY2 (InterPro) X. tropicalis TrEMBL
Q7ZWN1 (InterPro) X. laevis.L TrEMBL
A0A8J0UN31 (InterPro) X. laevis.L Uniprot