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Gene/CloneSpeciesStageAnatomy ItemExperimenter
actn2xenopus myocyte 

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Experiment details for actn2

Distinct roles for telethonin N-versus C-terminus in sarcomere assembly and maintenance.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
actn2.S laevis NF stage 42 myocyte

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  Figure 4. Organization of sarcomeric proteins actin, myosin, titin, and alpha -actinin in WT versus TEL MO+ myocytes. A-D: Sarcomeric staining for actin, myosin, titin, and alpha -actinin in WT myocytes fixed at 42 hr in culture is highly periodic as compared to immunostained myocytes from TEL MO+ embryos (E-H). Note the distinct titin PEVK doublets visible in WT (C) but not TEL MO+ (G) myocytes. I: Qualitative scoring of WT and TEL MO+ myocytes stained for titin and alpha -actinin; sarcomeric organization of WT cells is significantly better as compared to TEL MO+ myocytes (**P < 0.001). Scale bars = 10 mu m (A, B ,E, F), 2 mu m (C, D, G, H).