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hoxd3xenopus rhombomere R5 

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Experiment details for hoxd3

Retinoid signalling is required for information transfer from mesoderm to neuroectoderm during gastrulation.

Retinoid signalling is required for information transfer from mesoderm to neuroectoderm during gastrulation.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
hoxd3.L laevis NF stage 20 rhombomere R5

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  Fig. 2. Retinoid depletion causes radical molecular truncation of the posterior hindbrain by the end of gastrulation. (Top panel) Whole- mount in situ hybridizations (wISH) on st. 20 Xenopus laevis embryos (A- F). The upper row shows non-treated embryos (indicated by control) and the bottom embryo is treated with 10-6 M AGN (indicated by AGN). All views are dorsal and anterior at the top. (A) Hoxb-1, arrowhead indicates hindbrain expression; (B) Hoxd-3, ar- rowhead indicates hindbrain expression; (C) En2, Krox-20 and Hoxb-4, top arrowhead indicates En stripe, bottom arrowheads indicate Krox-20 stripes and bar indicates Hoxb-4 stripe; (D) Hoxa-5, arrowhead indicates hindbrain expression and bar indicates spinal cord expression; (E) Krox-20 and Hoxc- 6, arrowhead indicates posterior Krox-20 stripe, bar indicates Hoxc-6 expression; (F) Otx-2 and Xcad3, bar indicates gap between Otx-2 (anterior) and Xcad3 (posterior) expression patterns; (G) XlPOU2, arrowhead indicates hindbrain expression and bar indicates spinal cord expression. (Bottom panel) Whole-mount in situ hybridizations on st. 13 Xenopus laevis embryos (H-M). The upper row shows non-treated embryos (indicated by control) and the right embryo is treated with 10-6 M AGN (indicated by AGN). All views are dorsal and anterior at the top. (H) Hoxd-1; (I) Hoxa-1; (J) Hoxb-1; (K) Hoxd-3; (L) Krox-20 (anterior stripes) and Hoxb-4; (M) Krox-20 (anterior stripes) and Hoxc-6. Arrows in pictures (L,M) localise sparse cells representing the posterior stripe of Krox-20.