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Gene/CloneSpeciesStageAnatomy ItemExperimenter
hoxd3xenopus posterior branchial crest 

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Experiment details for hoxd3

Retinoid signalling is required for information transfer from mesoderm to neuroectoderm during gastrulation.

Retinoid signalling is required for information transfer from mesoderm to neuroectoderm during gastrulation.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
hoxd3.L laevis NF stage 32 posterior branchial crest

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  Fig. 3. The molecular identity of the hindbrain is determined by retinoid signalling mostly during gastrulation. Whole-mount in situ hybridizations on tadpole (st. 32) Xenopus laevis embryos. The upper row shows non-treated embryos; the middle row embryos treated with 10-6 M AGN from the blastula until the point of fixation; the lowest row embryos treated with 10-6 M AGN from st. 13 until the point of fixation. All views are lateral. (A) Hoxb-1, (B) Hoxd-3, (C) En2, Krox-20 and Hoxb-4, (D) Hoxa-5, (E) Krox-20 and Hoxc- 6. Arrows point to the anterior expression border of each Hox gene.