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Gene/CloneSpeciesStageAnatomy ItemExperimenter
lin28axenopus hindlimb region 

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Experiment details for lin28a

The heterochronic gene Lin28 regulates amphibian metamorphosis through disturbance of thyroid hormone function.

The heterochronic gene Lin28 regulates amphibian metamorphosis through disturbance of thyroid hormone function.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
lin28a.S image:9041231 laevis NF stage 52 hindlimb region
lin28a.S image:9041231 laevis NF stage 54 hindlimb region

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  Fig. 1. Heterochronic genes are expressed during Xenopus metamorphosis. (A) Xenopus laevis Nieuwkoop-Faber (NF) stages at pre-metamorphosis (st.50), pro-metamorphosis (st.54–57) and climax of metamorphosis (st.58–66). Bar, 1 cm. (B-G) RT-qPCR from spinal cords isolated during metamorphosis for (B) miR-125 (lin-4 orthologue), (C) let-7a, (D) lin28b, (E) trim71 (lin-41 orthologue), (F) thrβA and (G) klf9. RNA levels were normalized to 5S (B, C) and eef1α−1 (D-G) and compared to st.50 (average ±SEM, n=2–5 independent experiments). * p<0.05, ** p<0.01, t-test against hypothetical value =1 (no change compared to st.50). (H) Western blot analysis for Lin28a in brain samples. Tubulin was used as loading control. (I-N) in situ hybridization for lin28a in (I,J) spinal cord cryosections of st.50 animals using (I) sense (s) or (J) antisense (as) probes and (K-N) limbs at st.52 and st.54 using (K,L) sense (s) or (M,N) antisense (as) probes. Bar, 50 µm.