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llgl1xenopus blastopore [+] 

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Experiment details for llgl1

The involvement of lethal giant larvae and Wnt signaling in bottle cell formation in Xenopus embryos.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
llgl1 xenopus NF stage 10 to NF stage 11 blastopore

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  Fig. 7. Lgl acts downstream of Wnt5a in regulating bottle cell formation. (A) The inhibitory effect of DN-Wnt5a on blastopore formation is rescued by Lgl. (B) Quantification of the ability of Lgl to rescue the effect of DN-Wnt5a on blastopore formation. (A, B) Embryos were injected dorsally with LacZ RNA (100 pg) as a lineage tracer with or without combination of DN-Wnt5a (1.5 ng) and Lgl (600 pg) as indicated. Arrowheads and arrows indicate the absence and reappearance of endogenous bottle cells in injected areas, respectively. (C) Coinjection of Lgl reverses the disruption of apical F-actin accumulation by DN-Wnt5a. Frequencies of embryos with F-actin accumulation: mCherry control, 100% (n = 30); DN-Wnt5a, 12% (n = 52); DN-Wnt5a + Lgl, 72% (n = 62). Embryos were injected with mCherry RNA alone or with the same combination of RNAs as in (A), midsagittally bisected and stained with phalloidin-Alexa488. Arrow indicates reappearance of the blastopore groove and apical accumulation of F-actin.