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Gene/CloneSpeciesStageAnatomy ItemExperimenter
nkx2-2xenopus medial ganglionic eminence [+] 

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Experiment details for nkx2-2

Knecht AK and Harland RM (1997) Assay

Mechanisms of dorsal-ventral patterning in noggin-induced neural tissue.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
nkx2-2.S laevis NF stage 23 medial ganglionic eminence

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  Fig. 1. Whole-mount in situ hybridizations showing expression of dorsal and ventral forebrain markers in stage 23 embryos and noggin-treated explants. (A) Triple staining of cpl-1 (blue), etr-1 (purple) and XAG-1 (a light blue ring marking the cement gland), in the head. Expression of cpl-1 in the dorsal brain overlaps some etr-1 expression, though etr-1 is mainly expressed ventrally in the brain. (B) Double staining of cpl-1 (blue) and etr-1 (purple) in separate territories in noggin-treated explants. cpl-1 is expressed in several protrusions (arrowheads). (C) Double staining of XBF-1 (blue) and etr-1 (brown) in the head. XBF-1 expression is restricted to the dorsal forebrain. (D) Double staining of XBF-1, in blue, and etr-1, in purple, in noggin-treated explants. The pattern of expression of XBF-1 is identical to that of cpl-1, in B. (E) Side view of expression of XeNK-2 in the ventral neural tube. (F) XeNK-2 is not expressed in noggin-treated explants. Scale bars in A, B, and C represent 0.5 mm. D-F are the same magnification as B.