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nkx3-3xenopus hypobranchial placode 

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Experiment details for nkx3-3

A gene expression map of the larval Xenopus laevis head reveals developmental changes underlying the evolution of new skelet...

A gene expression map of the larval Xenopus laevis head reveals developmental changes underlying the evolution of new skeletal elements.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
nkx3-3.S laevis NF stage 33 and 34 hypobranchial placode

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  Fig. 2. Transcription factor expression in the nascent X. laevis head skeleton at st. 33/34. Lateral views with anterior to left (A, C, E, G, I, K, M, O, Q, S, U and W), and anterior views (B, D, F, H, J, L, N, P, R, T, V and X) of st. 33/34 larvae stained by ISH. The position of the stomodeum is indicated by an oval in all anterior views. (A and B) emx2 is expressed centrally in PAs. (C and D) nkx3-2-b transcripts are found both in ventro-medial PA1 mesenchyme (arrow), and endoderm in more posterior PAs. (E and F) nkx3-3 is expressed in the region of the nascent jaw joint (arrow), as well as ectoderm around the stomodeum and more posterior arches, and endorderm in the pharyngeal pouches. (G and H) hand1 transcripts are found in ventral CNCCs. (I and J) msx1-b expression in the neurocranium, PAs, and FNP. Arrow in (I) indicates dorsal PA CNCC expression. (K and L) satb2 is expressed contiguously throughout ventral PAs, and at the junction of the antero-dorsal PA1 and FNP. (M and N) gsc-b is detected ventrally in the anteriormost 4 PAs. (O and P) tbx3-a transcripts are found in anterior PA1/frontonasal mesenchyme, as well as both CNCCs and endoderm of PAs 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6 (see Fig. S3Q). (Q and R) alx1 is expressed throughout the future neurocranium and the antero-dorsal PA1. (S and T) alx4 is expressed throughout the future neurocranium and antero-dorsal PA1, as well as the ventral PAs. (U and V) prrx1 is detected in the neurocranium and FNP, as well as the dorsal and ventral PAs. (W and X) pou3f3 is expressed in a domain branching PA1 and PA2, and strongly in the developing brain.