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notch1xenopus anterior neural ridge [+] 

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Experiment details for notch1

Hairy2 functions through both DNA-binding and non DNA-binding mechanisms at the neural plate border in Xenopus.

Hairy2 functions through both DNA-binding and non DNA-binding mechanisms at the neural plate border in Xenopus.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
notch1.S laevis NF stage 17 anterior neural ridge

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  Figure S2. Hairy2, Hes2 and ESR10 effects on Notch pathway genes. A) Hairy2-GR mRNA (500 pg) injection is unable to induce the expression of the Notch ligands Serrate1 (a), Delta2 (b) or the Notch receptor (c) in neurula embryos (none induced, n = 16, 18 and 15, respectively). B) Injection of the Hairy 2 MOs (10 ng) leads to decreased Delta1 expression in the migrating NC and in the eye at tailbud stages (a, 75% reduced, n = 20) while injection of a Hairy2 MO5mis has no effect (b, 75% unaffected, n = 16). Injection of either the Hairy2 MOs, like Hairy2 MO5mis, has no effect on Delta2 in tailbud embryos (c, 70% unaffected, n = 25; d, 86%, n = 14). (C) Injection of ESR10- GR or Hes2-GR mRNA (500 pg each) does not affect Delta1 expression (none induced n = 13 and 15, respectively). In all panels, embryos at neurula stage are shown in dorsal view. In the case of embryos at tailbud stage, lateral views of the injected sides are shown. LacZ mRNA was coinjected as a lineage tracer.