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notch1xenopus dorsal fin margin 

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Experiment details for notch1

Molecular pathways needed for regeneration of spinal cord and muscle in a vertebrate.

Molecular pathways needed for regeneration of spinal cord and muscle in a vertebrate.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
notch1.S laevis NF stage 29 and 30 dorsal fin margin

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  Figure 2. Analysis of Developmental Gene Expression in Nonregenerating and Regenerating Tail TissuesIn situ hybridization of genes involved in tail development.(A, E, I, M, Q, and U) Stage 30 embryos.(B, F, J, N, R, and V) Nonregenerating tail stumps, 50% amputated at stage 47 and fixed 3 days afterward.(C, G, K, O, S, and W) Stage 49 tail stumps, 50% amputated and fixed immediately.(D, H, L, P, T, and X) Regenerating tail stumps, 50% amputated at stage 49 and fixed 3 days later. Amputation level is shown by the black line.(A–D) Xbra is expressed in the developing tail bud (yellow arrow) and reexpressed in the tip of regenerating tails (white arrow).(E–H) X-delta-1 is expressed in the posterior wall of the tail bud (yellow arrow) and fin and is reexpressed in the fin and bud region (white arrow) of regenerating tails.(I–L) lfng is expressed in the dorsal tail bud (yellow arrow) and is expressed weakly at the cut surface of the spinal cord in nonregenerating tail stumps and more strongly in dorsal components of the regenerating tail (white arrows).(M–P) X-Notch-1 is expressed in somites, fin margin, and throughout the developing tail bud (yellow arrow) and is reexpressed in the blastema (white arrow), presomitic mesoderm, and fin margin.(Q–T) Msx2 is expressed in the tail bud leading edge (yellow arrow) and reexpressed throughout the blastema (white arrow) and fin margin.(U–X) Msx1 is expressed in the dorsal tail bud (yellow arrow) and reexpressed dorsally in the regenerating blastema (white arrow). All are lateral views, oriented with anterior to the left.