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pitx1xenopus dorsal marginal zone [+] 

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Experiment details for pitx1

Chang W et al. (2001) Assay

xPitx1 plays a role in specifying cement gland and head during early Xenopus development.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
pitx1.L laevis NF stage 12 to NF stage 12.5 dorsal marginal zone

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  FIG. 3. Expression of xPitx1 detected by whole-mount in situ hybridization. All gastrula to early neurula stage embryos are positioned with the yolk plug to the rear with the presumptive anterior regions facing up (with the exception of B, anterior indicated and dorsal up). (A, B) At gastrulation, transcript is detectable above the dorsal lip (dark arrows). (C) Expression is detected in the presumptive anterior ectoderm as a band. An earlier forming dot of expression sits in the central region of the presumptive head plate out of view on the top of this stage-12 specimen. (D) Late gastrula/early 12.5 neurula expression of xPitx1 is detected as a dot in the center of the neural plate as the anterior band forms a crescent shape. (E) High expression of xPitx1 occurs in the cement gland anlage at stage 16. (F, G) Expression of xPitx1 continues within the cement gland (cg) and stomodeum (st) as transient expression commences in the optic cup (e, arrow in E) and olfactory epithelia during organogenesis through to tailbud stages. Reproduced with permission of the Publisher, John Wiley & Sons