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pitx1xenopus anterior neural ridge [+] 

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Experiment details for pitx1

Xpitx-1: a homeobox gene expressed during pituitary and cement gland formation of Xenopus embryos.

Xpitx-1: a homeobox gene expressed during pituitary and cement gland formation of Xenopus embryos.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
pitx1.L laevis NF stage 13 to NF stage 14 anterior neural ridge

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  Fig. 2. Expression of Xpitx-1 in during Xenopus development. Whole-mount in situ hybridization was performed using Xpitx-1 antisense RNA and staged Xenopus embryos. Nieuwkoop±Faber stages of embryogenesis are indicated. (A,B,D,E,G) Anterior view; (C,F,H) horizontal sections as indicated by the red dashed line across the embryos in (B,E,G), respectively. (I,L) are lateral views, only the anterior halves of the embryos are shown. To improve resolution, a cleared embryo is shown in (L). (J) Frontal section and (K) parasagittal section of the embryo shown in (I); (M) frontal section of the embryo shown in (L). Details of (C,H,M) are shown in (C',H',M'), respectively, as indicated by the lines. Abbreviations: ar, archenteron; bv, brain ventricle; cga, cement gland Anlage; ele, epithelial layer of neuroectoderm; endo, endodermal layer; ev, eye vesicle; eym, endodermal yolk mass; lp, lens placode; lv, lens vesicle; ple, presumptive lens ectoderm; pt, pituitary; sle, sensorial layer of neuroectoderm; st, stomodeum; oe, oral epithelia.