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prdx5xenopus presumptive paraxial mesoderm [+] 

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Experiment details for prdx5

Expression analysis of the peroxiredoxin gene family during early development in Xenopus laevis.

Expression analysis of the peroxiredoxin gene family during early development in Xenopus laevis.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
prdx5.L laevis NF stage 18 to NF stage 20 presumptive paraxial mesoderm
prdx5.L laevis NF stage 23 to NF stage 24 paraxial mesoderm , somite

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  Fig. 1. Expression profiles of X. laevis prdx mRNA during stages 18–20 and 23/24 of embryonic development. Whole mount in situ hybridization with antisense Digoxigenin-labeled probes against the coding regions of the X. laevis prdxs was performed to determine the spatial expression pattern of prdx1–6 at stages 18–20 (A–F) and 23/24 (G–L). (BR, brain; EY, presumptive eye; OP, optic placode; PN, pronephros; PA, pharyngeal arches; NT, neural tube; SM, somites; BP, blood precursors).

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
prdx5.L laevis NF stage 27 to NF stage 28 presomitic mesoderm , somite
prdx5.L laevis NF stage 33 and 34 somite

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  Fig. 2. Expression profiles of X. laevis prdx mRNA during stages 27/28 and 33/34 of embryonic development. Whole mount in situ hybridization with antisense Digoxigenin-labeled probes against the coding regions of the X. laevis prdxs was performed to determine the spatial expression pattern of prdx1 at stages 27/28 (A-F) and 33/34 (G-L). The white lines in panel G (i, ii and iii) indicate the positions of the cuts made to give the cross-sections in Supplementary Fig. S4. (Br, brain; EY, eye; PN, pronephros; FB, forebrain; HB, hindbrain; PD, proctodeum; Li, liver; PT, proximal tubule; SM, somites; PA, pharyngeal arches; Bl, blood islands; Of, olfactory placode; DT, distal tubule; CT, connecting tubule). The horizontal line across the tails (in G) is a background artifact

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
prdx5.L laevis NF stage 35 and 36 to NF stage 40 somite
prdx5.L laevis NF stage 40 to NF stage 41 somite

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  Fig. 3. Expression profiles of X. laevis prdx mRNA during stages 36/37 and 40/41 of embryonic development. Whole mount in situ hybridization with antisense Digoxigenin-labeled probes against the coding regions of the X. laevis prdxs was performed to determine the spatial expression pattern of prdx1 at stages 36/37 (A) and 40/41 (G). (Br, brain; PT, proximal tubule; Li, liver; PD, proctodeum; Ey, eye; Bl, blood islands; Vc, vasculature; PA, pharyngeal arches; PN, pronephros; SM, somites; Of, olfactory placode; CN, cranial nerves; DT, distal tubule; CT, connecting tubule; TG, thyroid gland). The horizontal line across the tails is a background artifact.