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Gene/CloneSpeciesStageAnatomy ItemExperimenter
slc7a8xenopus early distal tubule 

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Experiment details for slc7a8

Zhou X and Vize PD (2004) Assay

Proximo-distal specialization of epithelial transport processes within the Xenopus pronephric kidney tubules.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
slc7a8.L image:4930123 laevis NF stage 28 early distal tubule

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  Fig. 5. XAA2 expression in the early proximal segment. In stage 28 embryos, low-level expression of XAA2 is observed in the future distal segment. This expression declines and is not detectable by stage 32. At stage 32, strong expression is activated in the early proximal tubule (C, D) and remains restricted to this segment until at least stage 40. Embryonic stages are shown at the lower left of panels A–L, M and P. The blue pronephric region in the FCIS panels shows the site of high level expression.