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spibxenopus endothelial cell 

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Experiment details for spib

Dissecting BMP signaling input into the gene regulatory networks driving specification of the blood stem cell lineage.

Dissecting BMP signaling input into the gene regulatory networks driving specification of the blood stem cell lineage.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
spib.L laevis NF stage 39 endothelial cell

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  Fig. 2. BMP signaling is required for definitive and primitive hematopoiesis in Xenopus laevis. (A) Noggin protein induced by heat-shock treatment at stage 14 leads to a complete loss of tal1 and hba3 expression in ventral blood islands (arrows) in HS:Noggin transgenic Xenopus stage 32 embryos. Similarly, DMH1 treatment starting from stage 14 blocks tal1 and hba3 expression. (B) Inhibition of BMP signaling by DMH1 from stage 14 abrogates expression of myeloid blood markers mpo and spib at stage 33 compared with DMSO-treated control. (C and D) Inhibition of BMP signaling from stage 14 by Noggin (C) or DMH1 (D) results in the loss of expression of hemogenic endothelium markers runx1, spib, and gfi1a in the DA (red arrow for absence of in treated, green arrows for normal expression in control embryos). (E and F) The endothelium marker pecam1 and arterial gene dll4 is expressed in control as well as treated samples, albeit slightly lower in HS:Noggin embryos. The arterial marker efnb2 is severely reduced in either HS:Noggin-expressing or DMH1-treated embryos (red arrows in E and F). The stages at which the in situ hybridization was performed are indicated on the top left corner. Embryos were photographed from a lateral view, with anterior on the left and dorsal at the top. Numbers in bottom right corner indicate proportion of embryos displaying the phenotype. (Scale bars: 0.5 mm.)