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hmx3xenopus lateral line placode [+] 

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Experiment details for hmx3

The homeodomain-containing transcription factor X-nkx-5.1 inhibits expression of the homeobox gene Xanf-1 during the Xenopus ...

The homeodomain-containing transcription factor X-nkx-5.1 inhibits expression of the homeobox gene Xanf-1 during the Xenopus laevis forebrain development.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
hmx3.L laevis NF stage 22 to NF stage 44 lateral line placode

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  Fig. 2. The analysis of temporal and spatial expression patterns of X-nkx-5.1. (A) RT-PCR assay of X-nkx-5.1 expression at the stages indicated. (B–L, Q–W) In situ hybridization analysis of spatio-temporal expression of X-nkx-5.1. (B) At stage 10 1/2 the expression is detected in scattered cells of the animal hemisphere. (C) Scattered epidermal cells at the ventral side of the embryo at stage 12 1/2 continue to express X-nkx-5.1 even stronger than at stage 10 1/2. (D) At stage 12 1/2 the X-nkx-5.1 expression is absent at the dorsal side of embryo. (E,F-close-up.) Expression of X-nkx-5.1 in the scattered epidermal cells continues during neurulation. (E) The whole embryo at the midneurula stage (anterior to the left). (F) The fragment of the epidermis of the embryo at the midneurula stage. (G) Epidermal cells expressing X-nkx-5.1 (arrows) are localized exclusively in the internal layer (the horizontal cut of embryo at stage15). (H) The saggital section of embryo at the end of neurulation. The X-nkx-5.1 expression in the anterior neural fold is marked by the white arrow. (I–L) Anterior views of the embryos (dorsal up) at successive stages between the end of gastrulation and the end of neurulation show gradual increase of the X-nkx-5.1 expression in the anterior neurectoderm and head epidermis. Note that no expression could yet be seen in the anterior neurectoderm at the end of gastrulation (I). The dotted lines on I and J indicate the approximate position of the anterior margin of the neural plate). (M–P) Anterior views of the embryos hybridized at the same stages as shown on I-L with the Xanf-1 mRNA probe. This row demonstrates a negative correlation between the time courses of Xanf-1 and X-nkx-5.1 expression: in contrast to X-nkx-5.1, Xanf-1 is intensively expressed in the presumptive anterior neurectoderm at the end of gastrulation (M), but its expression is gradually declined thereafter (N–P). The dotted lines on M and N indicate approximate position of the anterior margin of the neural plate. The Xanf-1 expression in the primordium of the anterior pituitary is shown by the arrows. (Q) After the neural fold closing X-nkx-5.1 expression is detected in the anterior side of neural tube and spreads along the dorsal side. (R) The expression of X-nkx-5.1 within the area of the head epidermis at stage 22. The arrow shows the expression in the otic ganglion and the arrowhead-the expression in the cement gland. (S) At stage 23 the longitudinal row of scattered cells expressing X-nkx-5.1 is revealed on both side of neural cord (arrow). (T,U) At the tailbud stage, the X-nkx-5.1 expression increases in two domains of the neural tube: one in the prospective forebrain (see the arrowhead) and the other in the ventral mesencephalon (the black arrow). It also sharply increases in the anterior part of otic vesicle (the green arrows), in otic ganglion (the yellow arrows) and in the areas, corresponding to the middle (the red arrows) and anterioventral (the red arrowhead) lateral line placodes. (V,W) At the tadpole stage, the X-nkx-5.1 expression is localized in the ventral forebrain in two domains corresponding to the lamina terminalis (the black arrowheads) and ventral thalamus (the red arrowheads), respectively. The comparatively weak expression is seen in the ventral part of the rostral hindbrain (the red arrows) and in scattered cells within the dorsal and lateral sides of posterior hindbrain and spinal cord (the black arrows).