1986 Oct 30;3236091:777-81. doi: 10.1038/323777a0.
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Compensatory mutations suggest that base-pairing with a small nuclear RNA is required to form the 3' end of H3 messenger RNA.
Processing of the 3' end of sea urchin H3 histone pre-mRNA requires conserved sequence elements and the presence of U7 snRNA. A mutation in the conserved CAAGAAGA sequence of the H3 pre-mRNA that renders 3' processing of this precursor defective is shown to be suppressed by a compensatory change in the U7 snRNA, restoring the base-pairing potential of the two RNAs. RNA-RNA contacts between these two molecules appear to be an essential feature of the 3' processing reaction.
PubMed ID: 3022153
Article link: Nature