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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1989 Jul 01;8614:5380-4.
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Formation of hybrid cell-cell channels.

Werner R , Levine E , Rabadan-Diehl C , Dahl G .

The oocyte cell-cell channel assay was used to demonstrate that connexin-43 is a cell-cell channel-forming protein as previously shown for connexin-32. Expression of connexin-32 in one and connexin-43 in the other oocyte of a pair results in the formation of junctional conductances at rates similar to those observed when only one or the other connexin is expressed in both oocytes of a pair. This suggests that hybrid cell-cell channels form in the oocyte system. Hybrid channels also form when a connexin-43 mRNA-injected oocyte is paired with a noninjected oocyte expressing endogenous connexin. The latter hybrids have properties apparently contributed by both types of hemichannels. Pure connexin-43 channels are not voltage gated, whereas pure oocyte channels are voltage dependent; hybrids of these channels rectify.

???displayArticle.pubmedLink??? 2546155
???displayArticle.pmcLink??? PMC297626
??? Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A

References [+] :
Auerbach, A rectifying electrotonic synapse in the central nervous system of a vertebrate. 1969, Pubmed