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Dev Comp Immunol 1990 Jan 01;141:69-84.
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B-lymphocyte populations in Xenopus laevis.

Hadji-Azimi I , Coosemans V , Canicatti C .

Two-color immunofluorescence technique was used to show the development and distribution of surface mu- cytoplasmic mu+ (s mu- c mu+) pre-B, s mu+ B- and s mu+ cIg+ plasma cells in metamorphic, postmetamorphic, and adult Xenopus. Generation of pre-B cells was evident in hematopoietic liver and spleen, but not in bone marrow, thymus, and duodenal mucosa. Surface immunoglobulin positive small lymphocytes were the most abundant in the spleen while plasma cells were detected in the thymus, duodenal mucosa, spleen, and liver. We had shown previously the appearance of s mu- c mu+ pre-B cells in the liver of Xenopus larvae at developmental stage 46 and later at stage 49 in the spleen. The frequency of pre-B cells dropped to zero at stage 58, the climax of metamorphosis. Pre-B cells start to reappear slowly as a second wave, at stage 60 through early postmetamorphic life in the liver and spleen. The percentage of surface Ig+ (sIg+) cells in the spleen of developing animals from stage 60 onward is comparable to that observed in adult life. In adult animals, the periphery of the liver continues to be active in hematopoiesis and contains some IgM producing plasma cells and rare sIg+ small lymphocytes while the pre-B cells are almost nonexistent in this region. The spleen, which is also active in some hematopoiesis, constitutes the main site of B-cell differentiation. Three ontogenic stages of pre-B, B-, and plasma cells are present in this organ. Pre-B and plasma cells are of low density and heterogeneous in size while small sIg+ B lymphocytes are of high density and much more homogeneous in size. The bone marrow in these lower anuran amphibia is rudimentary and is not a lymphopoietic tissue; in adult animals it is active only in differentiation of neutrophilic granulocytes.

PubMed ID: 2338158
Article link: Dev Comp Immunol

Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: ighx