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Nucleic Acids Res 1984 Nov 26;1222:8595-609.
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Evolution of vitellogenin genes: comparative analysis of the nucleotide sequences downstream of the transcription initiation site of four Xenopus laevis and one chicken gene.

Germond JE , Walker P , ten Heggeler B , Brown-Luedi M , de Bony E , Wahli W .

Electron microscopic analysis of heteroduplexes between the most distantly related Xenopus vitellogenin genes (A genes X B genes) has revealed the distribution of homologous regions that have been preferentially conserved after the duplication events that gave rise to the multigene family in Xenopus laevis. DNA sequence analysis was limited to the region downstream of the transcription initiation site of the Xenopus genes A1, B1 and B2 and a comparison with the Xenopus A2 and the major chicken vitellogenin gene is presented. Within the coding regions of the first three exons, nucleotide substitutions resulting in amino acid changes accumulate at a rate similar to that observed in globin genes. This suggests that the duplication event which led to the formation of the A and B ancestral genes in Xenopus laevis occurred about 150 million years ago. Homologous exons of the A1-A2 and B1-B2 gene pairs, which formed about 30 million years ago, show a quite similar sequence divergence. In contrast, A1-A2 homologous introns seem to have evolved much faster than their B1-B2 counterparts.

PubMed ID: 6504704
PMC ID: PMC320401
Article link: Nucleic Acids Res

References [+] :
Arnberg, Isolation and characterization of genomic clones covering the chicken vitellogenin gene. 1981, Pubmed, Xenbase