Dev Biol
1984 Jun 01;1032:355-68.
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Protein synthesis in dorsal and ventral regions of Xenopus laevis embryos in relation to dorsal and ventral differentiation.
Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis has been used to analyze protein synthesis in dorsal and ventral regions in embryonic stages of Xenopus laevis. Proteins specific either to dorsal or to ventral regions are synthesized for the first time at gastrulation, concomitant with morphological differentiation. The reliability of these proteins as markers of dorsal and ventral differentiation was tested by examining their synthesis in Uv-irradiated embryos, which have severely reduced capacity for dorsal development, reflected in reduced levels of the neuromuscular-specific enzyme acetylcholinesterase, but which continue to synthesize the great majority of proteins at normal rates. Synthesis of dorsal indicator proteins should be reduced or absent in these embryos, whereas ventral indicators should be synthesized at least to the same extent as in control embryos. Some of the putative dorsal and ventral indicators failed this test, but the majority were confirmed as reliable markers of dorsal and ventral differentiation, thus providing a connection between morphology and gene expression in the establishment of the dorsal-ventral axis in X. laevis.
PubMed ID: 6724133
Article link: Dev Biol
Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: ache