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Nucleic Acids Res 1987 Mar 11;155:2059-68.
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Transcription of eucaryotic tRNA1met and 5SRNA genes by RNA polymerase III is blocked by base mismatches in the intragenic control regions.

Sullivan MA , Folk WR .

We have constructed duplex DNAs containing single G-T or A-C mismatches in the X. laevis tRNA1met gene. Mismatches within regions of this gene which are bound by transcription factor TFIIIC prevent transcription by RNA polymerase III. Homoduplexes with G-C----A-T mutations at some of the same sites, however, are transcribed efficiently in oocytes. Mismatches outside of the tRNA1met gene have no effect upon transcription. A survey of several point mutants in the Syrian hamster 5SRNA gene indicates that mismatches outside the internal control region somewhat reduce transcription, but a mismatch within the internal control region blocks transcription. Thus, the presence of mismatched bases in the region of DNA which interacts with RNA polymerase III transcription factors blocks transcription, perhaps by interfering with DNA renaturation following transit of the RNA polymerase.

PubMed ID: 3645544
PMC ID: PMC340617
Article link: Nucleic Acids Res
Grant support: [+]

Species referenced: Xenopus
Genes referenced: gtf3c1

References [+] :
Allison, The promoter sequence of a yeast tRNAtyr gene. 1983, Pubmed