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Cell 1992 Nov 27;715:731-9.
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Responses of embryonic Xenopus cells to activin and FGF are separated by multiple dose thresholds and correspond to distinct axes of the mesoderm.

Green JB , New HV , Smith JC .

The potent mesoderm-inducing factors activin and FGF are present as maternally synthesized proteins in embryos of X. laevis. We show that activin can act on explanted blastomeres to induce at least five different cell states ranging from posterolateral mesoderm to dorsoanterior organizer mesoderm. Each state is induced in a narrow dose range bounded by sharp thresholds. By contrast, FGF induces only posterolateral markers and does so over relatively broad dose ranges. FGF can modulate the actions of activin, potentiating them and broadening the threshold-bounded dose windows. Our results indicate that orthogonal gradients of activin and FGF would be sufficient to specify the main elements of the body plan.

???displayArticle.pubmedLink??? 1423628
??? Cell

Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: evx1 gsc kcnt1 krt12.4 mif tbxt

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