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Development 1991 Feb 01;1112:315-25.
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Expression of a novel cadherin (EP-cadherin) in unfertilized eggs and early Xenopus embryos.

Ginsberg D , DeSimone D , Geiger B .

Two distinct cadherin cDNA clones of Xenopus laevis were isolated from a stage 17 embryo cDNA library. Analysis of the complete deduced amino acid sequences indicated that one of these molecules is closely homologous to chicken and mouse N-cadherin, while the other displays comparable homology to both E- and P-cadherins and was thus denoted EP-cadherin. This molecule has an apparent relative molecular mass of 125 x 10(3) (compared to approx. 138 x 10(3) or approx. 140 x 10(3) of E-cadherin and N-cadherins, respectively). Northern and Western blot analyses indicated that N-cadherin is first expressed at the neurula stage while EP-cadherin is the only cadherin detected in unfertilized eggs and cleavage stage embryos. Immunolabeling of Xenopus eggs with antibodies prepared against a fusion protein, containing a segment of EP-cadherin, indicated that the protein is highly enriched at the periphery of the animal hemisphere. EP-cadherin was also found in A6 epithelial cells derived from Xenopus kidneys, and was apparently localized in the intercellular adherens junctions.

???displayArticle.pubmedLink??? 1893866

Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: cad cdh1 cdh2 cdh3 tbx2

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