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Int J Dev Biol 1989 Sep 01;333:361-8.
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Expression of mouse histone H1(0) promoter sequences following microinjection into Xenopus oocytes and developing embryos.

Steinbeisser H , Alonso A , Epperlein HH , Trendelenburg MF .

Evidence from expression studies using transfected F9 teratocarcinoma stem cells indicates that the synthesis of the H1(0) histone is turned on very soon after the cells have been treated with retinoic acid, which causes them to differentiate into murine parietal endoderm. This increase in H1(0) at the time of commitment would allow a reorganization of the chromatin with a reprogramming of the gene activity of undifferentiated F9 cells to the differentiated state. The particular interest of the further development of this differentiation model is to answer the question whether this specific stimulation of expression can be induced only in homologous differentiation systems, or whether the identified H1(0) promoter sequences can also be specifically stimulated by heterologous factors. We therefore injected the mammalian H1(0) promoter sequences into Xenopus oocytes and fertilized eggs. The results of oocyte injection experiments indicate that H1(0) promoter sequence elements similar to those used in transfected F9 cells are specifically expressed in the oocyte. For analysis of H1(0) expression in Xenopus embryos we used promoter constructs ligated to beta-galactosidase sequences for microinjection. This procedure allows a particularly rapid and complete detection of expressed promoter clones within the differentiated tissues of the early Xenopus embryo.

PubMed ID: 2518451
Article link: Int J Dev Biol