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Mol Biol Rep 1979 May 31;51-2:59-64. doi: 10.1007/bf00777489.
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Free cytoplasmic messenger ribonucleoprotein complexes from rabbit reticulocytes.

Princen HM , van Eekelen CA , Asselbergs FA , van Venrooij WJ .

Free cytoplasmic globin mRNA containing mRNP-particles were isolated from rabbit reticulocytes by zonal sucrose gradient centrifugation and their properties were compared with mRNP particles isolated in the same way from EDTA-dissociated reticulocyte polyribosomes. The average poly(A)-length of 9S mRNA from free cytoplasmic mRNP was 17-20 nucleotides being about two times shorter than the average poly(A)-length of polysomal 9S mRNA. The protein composition of the free cytoplasmic mRNP particles disclosed the absence of the 76,000 dalton protein which is associated with the 3'poly(A)-segment of polysomal globin mRNA. It was concluded that free cytoplasmic mRNP-particles from rabbit reticulocytes can be classified as "old" mRNP in a post-translational phase. Free cytoplasmic mRNPs were translated in heterologous cell-free systems as well as in Xenopus laevis oocytes. Addition of hemin stimulated the synthesis of alpha-globin in all systems, while the presence of the cap analogue m7G(5')p inhibited translation of free cytoplasmic mRNA completely. The latter finding suggested that free cytoplasmic mRNA has a 5' terminal "cap". Shortening of the poly(A)-segment with concomitant loss of the 76,000 dalton protein may lead to less efficient translation of free cytoplasmic mRNP.

PubMed ID: 460182
Article link: Mol Biol Rep

References [+] :
Asselbergs, Synthesis of lens crystallins in Xenopus oocytes as determined by quantitative immunoprecipitation. 1978, Pubmed, Xenbase